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Connect Dish Network Satellite Box and TV with Wii U

 Magnavox 37MF23 ID/37 connected to Wii U with HDMI cable.

Go to Settings and select TV Remote setting, Select Set-Top Box and TV. Go to How to Set Up the TV Remote Function to find which code fits your Set-Top box and TV.
Select Satellite Box for Dish Network and other Satellite providers. 

I selected Dish Network.

Select the power button to turn on and off the Satellite box and select if it worked or didn't work until you find the code works with your model. Signal 1 for model VIP 722 DVR.

Select your TV brand. I selected Magnavox. 

Test each signal type with volume and input. Select input 2-3 times. Signal type 30 works volume and input on Magnavox 37MF23 ID/37.

My Satellite and other game consoles are connected into Side of Magnavox TV.

Wii U connected to HDMI. 

Set up is finished.
Press TV button on Wii U pad for TV remote. Wii U can be on or off to use remote. 
Nintendo TVii remote. 

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